Dear Durwood (Dear Durwood #1)
Now available!
To read an excerpt of Dear Durwood and other Third Chance novels, visit the official series website.
Kirkus Reviews (starred): “An entertaining, richly imagined action yarn with intellectual bite.
Durwood Oak Jones is a man of few indulgences. One he does allow is a standing ad in Soldier of Fortune magazine soliciting “injustices in need of attention.”
This month’s bundle of letters includes one from Carol Bridges, mayor of the dusty, blue-collar town of Chickasaw, Texas. For nearly a century, Chickasaw has relied on the jobs and goodwill of Hogan Consolidated, a family-run manufacturer of industrial parts. Now East Coast lawyers and investment bankers have taken aim at the company. The citizens of Chickasaw fear it may be acquired or bankrupted, leading to massive layoffs — effectively destroying the town.
Durwood and his trusty bluetick coonhound, Sue-Ann, drive to Texas to see what can be done. They find a young CEO born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Factory workers with hammers. A good woman, Carol Bridges, who knows her town’s being cheated but can’t get to the bottom of how. And lawyers.
Dirty, good-for-nothing lawyers.
cover design and illustration by Ethan Scott